Early Morning Intensives

“In out-of-the-way places of the heart
Where your thoughts never think to wander
This beginning has been quietly forming
Waiting until you were ready to emerge………
…………Though your destination is not clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your lifes desire.
Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.”
– John O’Donohue
From: Bless the Space Between Us

Early morning practice is very popular and highly recommended amongst many long term yoga practitioners for a reason.  Well, actually for many many reasons.  Here are just a few:

  • Setting an intention for our day.
  • Greeting the Sun and welcoming the arrival of a new day.
  • Moving our muscles and connective tissue which has been resting overnight. If we don’t the tightness in our body can build up and result in tight muscles, an achy body and bad posture.
  • “Wake up” all our bodies systems; enhancing our circulation and giving an immediate boost to our immune system. 
  • Boost our mood. Studies show that a morning yoga practice can help with anxiety, insomnia and maintaining a general sense of happiness & wellbeing.
  • Me time. In our ultra busy lives it can often be hard to feel like we have had any time for ourselves. 
  • Increased breath awareness, healthier digestion & the ability to be present (plus many of the above mentioned benefits) are all more useful throughout the day rather than just a few hours before bed after an evening practice.   


An early morning intensive of consecutive days will give you all of the above and because of the commitment and repetition you gain even more.  I hear many of my students sigh with relief after a practice, commenting how much they needed it. Whether it be 4 weeks or only 7 days since their last practice. Our bodies never regret a yoga practice. Some of my students who attend 2-4 times a week report how much they have benefited from a more regular practice.  

So I enthusiastically invite you  to consider experiencing the benefits of 4 consecutive days of regenerative, clarifying and restorative yoga practices.

If all four days is not an option then I welcome you to attend any of the days you can.  The program will be designed so that you will still experience benefits regardless. 

“Through discipline comes freedom.”

  – Aristotle

Upcoming : New Years Early Morning Intensive

In this 4 day Early Morning Intensive  we will be focussing on setting intentions for the new year. Not just simple affirmation style- although there is nothing wrong with that. Something is missing though.

I will lead you through many practices to help you embody your intentions. Everything is energy. There is a difference between the energy of wanting something, hoping to change your life’s experience in some way and the energy of truely believing that more is possible for you.  I will help you to access and practice the vibration of having your intentions. 


Thursday 2nd Jan 2024 through to Sunday 5th January 2024

Daily @ 7am – 8.30am (please arrive 6:50am to settle in)

@ KCNH (Albion Yoga location)  Selwyn Street, Albion.



4 Days: $112  /  Conc $100

3 Days: $93    /  Conc  $84

2 Days: $65    /  Conc  $58

1 Day:   $35.   /  Conc  $30

Note: direct payments via this website are not available. 

Please use the links below for transfer details and to book with Lisa.