These work shops will be an opportunity for longer & deeper practices. Some extra time to experience the benefits of immersing ourselves in the practices that bring us a sense of calm and clarity to our otherwise busy, hectic lives and at times for many of us, the experience of stress , anxiety and emotional overwhelm. What we need is some Breathing Space!
We will explore ways to connect with the truth of who we really are using gentle asana, pranayama & breath work, meditation & relaxation, restorative yoga & yoga nidra, chanting & music.
I believe that with regular practices, especially longer immersions than a normal class or short home practice (which of course are both fantastic), we can begin to trust and know that transformation & healing is not only possible but just how much of life is at our creative fingertips. These practices can can expand our capacity for moving through life with more joy & ease and a deep knowing that we are the co-creators of our lives.
My intention is that you leave feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, uplifted and connected to the truth of who you are.
NEW dates:
Sunday 6th April, 2025. 1.30pm – 4pm – Registrations NOW open!
Sunday 6th July, 2025. 1.30pm – 4pm
Sunday 21st Sept, 2025. 1.30pm – 4pm
Please email to register your interest or enrol.
@ KCNH (Albion Yoga location) Selwyn Street, Albion.
Small 6-10 participant class size.
Tiered fee pricing per workshop: $80 / $70 / $60 (conc. card)
Tiered fee pricing? What does this mean? This means that if you hold a concession card you can choose to pay the lower concession rate. Alternatively you can choose from the other two levels. I recommend checking in with:
Note: direct payments via this website are not available.
Please use the links below for transfer details and to book with Lisa.