Awaken & Restore Workshops

Just like a Mini Retreat!

“I breathe in All That Is-
Awareness expanding
to take everything in,
as if my heart beats
the world into being.
From the unnamed vastness beneath the mind,
I breathe my way into wholeness and healing.
Inhalation. Exhalation.
Each Breath a “yes,”
and a letting go, a journey, and a coming home.”
– Danna Faulds

These work shops will be an opportunity for longer & deeper practices.  Some extra time to experience the benefits of immersing ourselves in the practices that bring us a sense of calm and clarity to our otherwise busy, hectic lives and at times for many of us, the experience of stress , anxiety and emotional overwhelm. What we need is some Breathing Space! 

We will explore ways to connect with the truth of who we really are using gentle asana, pranayama & breath work, meditation &  relaxation, restorative yoga & yoga nidra, chanting & music. 

I believe that with regular practices, especially longer immersions than a normal class or short home practice (which of course are both fantastic), we can begin to trust and know that  transformation & healing is not only possible but just how much of life is at our creative fingertips. These practices can can expand our capacity for moving through life with more joy & ease and a  deep knowing that we are the co-creators of our lives. 

My intention is that you leave feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, uplifted and connected to the truth of who you are. 

“You don’t need a guru & you don’t need a miracle; you are already both!”  – Dr Sue Morter

Upcoming Awaken & Restore Workshop: 

NEW dates: 

Sunday  6th April, 2025. 1.30pm – 4pm – Registrations NOW open!

Sunday  6th July, 2025. 1.30pm – 4pm 

Sunday  21st Sept, 2025. 1.30pm – 4pm 

Please email to register your interest or enrol. 

@ KCNH (Albion Yoga location)  Selwyn Street, Albion.

Small 6-10 participant class size.

Tiered fee pricing per workshop:   $80 / $70  / $60 (conc. card) 

Tiered fee pricing? What does this mean? This means that if you hold a concession card you can choose to pay the lower concession rate. Alternatively you can choose from the other two levels. I recommend checking in with: 

  • how you feel about this kind of offering/workshop & how you value it?
  • how do you feel about deserving/needing this time for you and your own self care and what is that worth?
  • If you have done a workshop with me before- how were you feeling afterwards?
  • Also of course taking into consideration your financial abundance. This can change from time to time. So paying one price now doesn’t mean it will be the same for you next time. 
  • If you choose the higher investment you are paying for yourself and also supporting others.
  • Regardless of your choice you are supporting a small sole trader run business that is offering small classes & wanting to make yoga available for many. Thank you. 

Note: direct payments via this website are not available. 

Please use the links below for transfer details and to book with Lisa.