The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, we can not be in touch with life. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Hello dear SunYogis.
I hope you have all had some much needed time with loved ones and family and enjoyed the festive season. Happy 2021!
Last years first newsletter started with…. “Well, what a year it has been.” I had just completed my first year as the new owner of SunYoga and was embarking on my second. Well I think 2020 gave us a bigger year in so many ways. But let’s not go there. Let’s not continue to complain or to tell the same stories. Let’s release and forgive 2020 and make way for a more fulfilling year to come. A great way to do that is to focus on what you are grateful for rather than what has not gone the way you had planned and hoped. In fact finding finding gratitude in the in the latter can be majorly transformational and liberating. Also, all heart felt gratitude is good for your immunity!

I’d like to give a great big thank you to all of my fabulous students for their support while I worked my way through taking SunYoga classes online. It was definitely a learning curve! And through that process I was able to share my classes with new students, including friends and family from afar who previously could not attend my classes. With that in mind I am keeping one class online. Thursdays at 9:30am.
So.… here we are …. 2021
And we are returning to in person classes!! YAY!!!
Term 1 is a short term and I decided after such a big year, some singing gigs finally starting to happen, continuing with some study through out December & January and needing to have a little break to fill my own cup, I would not stretch it out to 10 weeks. So it is an 8 week term starting Thursday4th February. Please note terms starts on a Thursday not a Tuesday as normal. All classes will be in person except the Thursday morning class as mentioned above.
As our first time back after 9 months, pleases note the changes due to COVID regulations being in place in line with the recommendations of the Victorian Health Department. This will be revisited in February prior to the start of classes.
- Class numbers will be limited and preference will be given to 2019-2020 students over new registrations if the classes fill.
- You will need to BYO mat. And any props you may need such as blocks, straps and blankets or maybe a cushion to sit on. Please contact me if you would like to buy a mat. I have a few standard mats available for $20 or can order thicker 6mm mats for $35.
- All students will need to sign in using venue CR codes or a manual sign in if you don’t have a smart phone.
- Please do not attend your class if you are unwell or showing any flue like symptoms.
- Arrive in time to move into the main room with limited numbers passing through the entrance halls at each venue. As of today, masks are not required indoors where social distancing is possible.
- Hand sanitiser will be available.
- The second Saturday class will remain at the new time of 10:30am to allow time for cleaning between classes.
If classes do fill, I may look at adding some extra time slots but this may not be possible. Pay as you go casual attendance is only if space is available. Casual attendance available for online class. And of course please advise if you are unable to attend your chosen class/classes.
I hope you can join us, & please reach out if you have any questions.
I am so looking forward to seeing you IN class and on Zoom. .
Term 1, 2021 |
![]() Term 1, 20218 weeks Thursdays 9.30 – 10.45 am (ONLINE) 6.30 – 7.45 pm (Albion) Feb 4 – March 25 Saturdays 8.30 – 10 am (Albion) 10.15 – 11.30 am (Albion) Feb 6 – March 27 Tuesdays 9.30 – 10.45 am (Albion) 6.30 – 7.45 pm (Footscray) Feb 9 – March 30 ![]() Term 1 classes start Thurs, February 4th. Term 1 Cost – 8 weeks By the Term: 1 class per week $136 full /$160 Conc. ($17/ $15.5 per class) 2 classes per week SPECIAL! $230 /$210 Conc. ($14.5/ $13 per class) UNLIMITED OPTION $312 full / $280 Conc. ($13 or less/ $11.7 per class) By the Class: Casual – $20 Only when space available – Please book with Lisa. ACCOUNT DETAILS: SunYoga BSB – 733 161 ACC – 661 318 Please include your name as a reference code and email me when you make your payment. More Info? Email me 0411 111 794 |